Hot Wings Tatarian Maple


Acer tataricum ‘GarAnn’ PP 15023

Hardiness Zone: 3
Height: 20-25 feet
Spread: 20-25 feet
Maintenance: low
Soil Composition: adaptable to various conditions, thrives best in well-drained soils 
Sun: filtered, partial and full
Growth Rate: moderate
Water Needs: very water thrifty 

Description: A very reliable tree for harsh conditions as its an excellent performer in rugged climates with a hardiness is down to -40° F. Does very well in Laramie.

Ornamental Features: A strong choice for an ornamental tree and often comes in a singular trunk or clump form. Showy red samaras (winged seeds) shine in bright contrast to the summer foliage of this tree. The crown shape is broadly oval when young, but as it reaches maturity, its branches spread wider than tall, becoming more rounded of a crown shape. Nice fall colors ranging from yellow to orange-red. 

Planting & Growing: Hot Wings Maple has proven to be much more tolerant of high pH soils than other maples. VERY WATER THRIFTY!

Best grown in front/back yards, and in the landscape parking strip at LEAST 5 feet wide, along city streets. Plant at least 10 feet from fire hydrants, ground mounted utility boxes, buildings, fences and driveways. Plant at least 15 feet from shrubs and other similar-sized trees. Plant 30 feet from large trees.

Source: The Tree Farm (

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Acer tataricum ‘GarAnn’ PP 15023

Hardiness Zone: 3
Height: 20-25 feet
Spread: 20-25 feet
Maintenance: low
Soil Composition: adaptable to various conditions, thrives best in well-drained soils 
Sun: filtered, partial and full
Growth Rate: moderate
Water Needs: very water thrifty 

Description: A very reliable tree for harsh conditions as its an excellent performer in rugged climates with a hardiness is down to -40° F. Does very well in Laramie.

Ornamental Features: A strong choice for an ornamental tree and often comes in a singular trunk or clump form. Showy red samaras (winged seeds) shine in bright contrast to the summer foliage of this tree. The crown shape is broadly oval when young, but as it reaches maturity, its branches spread wider than tall, becoming more rounded of a crown shape. Nice fall colors ranging from yellow to orange-red. 

Planting & Growing: Hot Wings Maple has proven to be much more tolerant of high pH soils than other maples. VERY WATER THRIFTY!

Best grown in front/back yards, and in the landscape parking strip at LEAST 5 feet wide, along city streets. Plant at least 10 feet from fire hydrants, ground mounted utility boxes, buildings, fences and driveways. Plant at least 15 feet from shrubs and other similar-sized trees. Plant 30 feet from large trees.

Source: The Tree Farm (

Acer tataricum ‘GarAnn’ PP 15023

Hardiness Zone: 3
Height: 20-25 feet
Spread: 20-25 feet
Maintenance: low
Soil Composition: adaptable to various conditions, thrives best in well-drained soils 
Sun: filtered, partial and full
Growth Rate: moderate
Water Needs: very water thrifty 

Description: A very reliable tree for harsh conditions as its an excellent performer in rugged climates with a hardiness is down to -40° F. Does very well in Laramie.

Ornamental Features: A strong choice for an ornamental tree and often comes in a singular trunk or clump form. Showy red samaras (winged seeds) shine in bright contrast to the summer foliage of this tree. The crown shape is broadly oval when young, but as it reaches maturity, its branches spread wider than tall, becoming more rounded of a crown shape. Nice fall colors ranging from yellow to orange-red. 

Planting & Growing: Hot Wings Maple has proven to be much more tolerant of high pH soils than other maples. VERY WATER THRIFTY!

Best grown in front/back yards, and in the landscape parking strip at LEAST 5 feet wide, along city streets. Plant at least 10 feet from fire hydrants, ground mounted utility boxes, buildings, fences and driveways. Plant at least 15 feet from shrubs and other similar-sized trees. Plant 30 feet from large trees.

Source: The Tree Farm (